Monday, June 21, 2010

Overcoming My Addiction

I am sure all of us are familiar with this awesome website that can connect us with our old friends, ex-boyfriends or ex-girlfriends. Some of my friends found their soul-mate through this website. It's like MAGIC huh?? Yup, this website is called Facebook. In fact, there are about 300 million active users of facebook and I was one of them. I signed up on facebook when I was still in high school. At first, I didn't really get entertained by it. It was just for fun and got me something to do when I am bored. When I started college, I began to have more and more friends. Therefore, I started to add each one of them on facebook. This is where the story begins, it turned out that facebook was not just a website that I go to whenever I am bored; in fact, I have to opened it every single day. After awhile, I didn't even realize that I became addicted to it and the worst part is, I becoming a stalker (not a creepy type of stalker tho'). I spent more time on facebook, than anything else. I woke up in the morning and found myself stalking my ex-boyfriend, or stalking this guy that I had a crush on. Every time I had a chance to open my facebook at school, then I would do it. Before I go to bed, I would stalk one of my friends or just looking at pictures and I usually stayed up until 4 or 5 in the morning facebooking. Facebook has changed my life and my personality, the reason why I said that is because I started to think more about other people's opinions more than I used to. I was terrified if someone would tag me some of my pictures and what if I looked ugly in those pictures, what if other people make such bad comments about those pictures...I began to think all of this unnecessary thoughts. I was struggling with this and I began to have a really low self-esteem. I started to compare myself with some cute girls on facebook and I was thinking, I wish I had her hair, I wish I had her big beautiful eyes, I wish I had her flawless skin, I wish I was that skinny, I wish I had those sexy legs, I wish I had her straight teeth, I wish I had her beautiful smile, and it goes on and on. There were so many times when God was trying to tell me over and over again that I am beautiful just the way I am, but I kept ignoring Him. I kept thinking, If only I had great skin, if only I had straight teeth, and if only I had long legs, if only I had a flat tummy then I will be satisfied and feel beautiful about myself. I don’t need God to make me feel beautiful. There were times, when God told me to spend more time to Him because He wants to give me confidence; He wants to teach me some things that will re-new my mind that will change the way I think about myself. Sometimes I said “Yes Lord” but most of the times I said “Thank you, but It’s okay, I can handle this myself”. When I tried to spend time with Him every 6 o’clock in the morning, I started to feel that He was right, the more I spend time with Him, the more I feel better about myself. Unfortunately, I could only spend time with Him at least for 3 months and I got bored. I kept doing this for at least more than 1 year. So, I started to pray and asked Him "why is it so hard for me to spend time with Him" and the Holly Spirit was just telling me that I spent most of my time on facebook. Everytime I woke up in the morning, I was on facebook, instead of reading my bible or praying. I did the same thing before I go to bed. I spent SO Much time on fb. I was so addicted to it. God kept reminding me the verse that says "where your treasure is there your heart will be also". One day I was praying to God, about this... and the spirit told me that "I have to give up the things that I love in order to follow God" because I have to put God as my number 1 priority, He has to be on top of my list. So, one week ago, I woke up from my nap and I didn't even think about it, I opened my facebook and deactivated it. At that moment, suddenly I felt there was this heavy burden on my shoulders that was taken away from me and I felt so FREE. I felt like a new person. I was just sitting on my bed and started to cry, because I felt this freedom. It was so awesome. Since then, I spend every minute with God. Every day is always about Him. I woke up early in the morning to pray, I've been reading christian books, I've been listening to christian music. And I pray a lot, I pray while I am driving (ps: I don't usually close my eyes lol), while I am working, everytime I had a chance to pray, then I will pray. Life is so so so much better and I feel like my relationship with Him is stronger than before. From now and then God keeps reminding me that I only have 2 choices, either I follow Him 100% or don’t follow Him at all, because there is no in between. Find something that keeps you from spending time with God and pray about it. Let Him know what is going on with you, and let Him know what’s on your mind. And ask Him to help you out. Remember, the more you spend time with God, the more you will feel better about yourself.

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