Saturday, March 14, 2009

How God Works Through Suffering

God...comforts us in all our afflictions so
that we may able to comfort
those who are in any
affliction with
the comfort with which we ourselves are
comforted by God

2 Corinthians 1:3-4

In 2 Corinthians chapter 1, three reasons are given for suffering. Admittedly, there may be dozens of other reasons, but there are three specific reasons God allows suffering:

~That we might have the capacity to enter into others'sorrow and affliction

~That we might learn what it means to depend on Him

~ That we might learn to give thanks in everything

Specific pain enables us to comfort others specifically. If you lose your child. God uses you in the life of a mother as she endures the loss of her child. If you have struggled through the dark tunnel of divorce, no one understands as you do, when a friend tell you a spouse just walked out the door. I've never had cancer. I couldn't offer the depth of comforts you could if you've had that disease. That's how God works.

From: Encouragement for Life, Charles R. Swindoll

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Groom/Bride Relationship with Jesus

A radiant bride greeted guests with a briliant smile as she entered the reception hall after the wedding ceremony. She gracefully moved about the room, the train of her white gown flowing along the floor behind her, her veil cascading down her button-adorned back. She conversed with each guest one by one, taking the time to mingle and soak up the compliments. "You look absolutely lovely." "Your dress is divine." The lavish praises rang on and on. The bride couldn't be more proud or more appreciative of the crowd's adoration. She could have listened to them swoon over all evening. As a matter of fact she did. But where was the groom? All the attention focused on the bride and never once did she call anyone's attention to her husband. She didn't even notice his absence at her side. Scanning the room, I searched for him wondering. Where he could be?. I finally found him, but not where I expected him to be. The groom stood alone over in the corner of the room with his head down. As he stared at his ring, twisting the gold band that his bride just placed on his finger, tears trickled down his cheeks and onto his hands. That is when I noticed the nail scars. The groom was Jesus. He waited, but the bride never once turned her face toward the groom. She never held His hand. She never introduced the guests to Him. She operated independently of Him. I awoke with a sick feeling in my stomach, realizing that I'd been dreaming. "Lord, this is how I made you feel when I was looking for love in all the wrong places?" I wept at the thought of hurting Him so deeply.

From: Every Young Woman's Battle, by Shannon Ethridge and Stephen Arterburn

Special to Me

One of my best friends wrote this awesome poem for me! <3>

Your Love brings a smile to people's faces
You are constantly showing God's love and grace

With just a couple words you can make people glad

And with you, no one is ever sad
I know have tough times

But remember God's love doesn't cost a dime

I know you worry about school,

But trust me, I know you are no fool

I know you get down
And support a frown
But remember those who care for you

And we will be right here; encouragement for all that you do

By: Kendra Lee